Argh! This week has been CRAZY busy at work. Seriously. So sorry I haven't had a chance to update here. I have craved to update but just haven't had the time.
I've had alot of "photography jobs" to do this month which is AWESOME. Extremely challenging and scary but I LOVE it. Had my friends baby's baptism, my other friends art exhibition and and .. ok I don't have a third thing but its been very busy LOL! Its not just the shoot but also post processing. Still trying to get the hang of post processing but I think I am progressing. I really want to branch out with an updated photoshop elements but there are just so many things I want to buy - I need to just wait a while lol. Money doesn't grow on trees as they say!
But I have been loving JULY. It was my birthday month and we had that week a while back where the entire week was just gorgeous in terms of the weather!! God was definitely smiling down on Auckland that week. Its was very uncharacteristic of Auckland weather in July. But hey., don't question it just soak up the sunshine yo lol! I certainly did! If you are a friend of mine on FB you will see how many photo's I have been taking this month just because of the fabulous weather!.. much more than usual!!
And this is why we are known as the CITY OF SAILS HAHA. Another compact shot.
An early morning shot around 7:30am. You can see a tiny bit of sunlight on the side of the skytower as the sun rises. I just love the crescent moon!