Hi all! I'm not going to head this post "No tree hill" because this place has heaps of trees!! LOL LOL *dry* LOL I love cornwall park. Its sooo beautiful even though its winter I still love this place. The trees are just amazing :-) Just the sense of history you get from looking at them.
This was our sixth walk as a little photoclub and still we managed to lose some people haha. :/ OH WELL.... We waited as long as we could and finally we had to venture on.
Just for a little bit of background on Cornwall Park, here is some info from the Auckland City Council Website :
"Maungakiekie is the largest and most complex volcanic cone fortress in the southern hemisphere. It has hundreds of living terraces, food store pits, defensive ditches and banks that for centuries supported a population of 5,000 people. From the tihi, signallers would communicate with the network of volcanic Pā across Tāmaki.
Sir John Logan Campbell, who is buried on the summit, gave the name One Tree Hill to Maungakiekie. He was inspired by the sacred Totara he saw on his first visit here in 1840. Te Totara i Ahua was cut down as part of the colonisation of Auckland during the 1850s and 60s. Campbell attempted to replace the Totara however only a single Monterey Pine survived. The tree was damaged after successive attacks by Maori protestors, and was eventually felled for safety reasons in 2001."
So sad, that tree was such a neat icon for Auckland City but unfortunately there is no longer a tree on "One Tree Hill". booo.
Anyway I still love this place. Here are some of my favourite shots from the walk:

Doug's neice trying to take a rock home lol. Umm no! lol

Well that's it friends.. sorry its not many this time., we had to leave early to take the kiddies home :P..
Oh I've made some exciting purchases this week. I know I'm such a shopaholic!! I bought an ipod touch off the 1-day website, really cheap only $250, I couldn't resist! Its so so awesome. First thing I did was upload some photos on to it!! Now I can share my photos with everyone I meet HAHAHA. . omg. lol. And yes., I did put music on it too *rolls eyes*.