Yay for warmer weather! Its finally warm enough for me to wear singlets. And yet when I get to work its on with the cardigan. Silly air con. Mind you , I wouldn't be able to concentrate without the air con. Its just funny when you go out side, you have to take your cardi off.
I thought I would just share a few photos I took with my favourite little models (Doug & Dryke) when we headed out to north head one Saturday afternoon. It was so extremely hot. But I was soaking it up. Its been summer for two months now and its only starting to feel hot to me! Poor Dryke was feeling it though with his black coat. He was so funny, he was really pulling on the lead when we were walking. I only realised why when we got to a row of trees, he fully stopped and lay flat on his side. HAHA> obviously too hot for Drykey. It was too cute. This guy lies anywhere its so funny/cute.
Anyway, here are a few of my favourites. Although the lighting was harsh being the early afternoon, I think I came away with a few good ones. If you read my blog (anyone) please leave a comment, preferably nice comments lol. I do check them!
Just me - sorry about the facials, I think Doug was getting smart as usual LOL.
One of many yellow flowers I came across: really like the pattern of these.
Doug sporting his all natural fro haha. cute. x
I SO want to do this one day. So lucky to see someone parasailing on this particular day. Have not seen anyone do this at north head before and I've been here quite a few times. I've seen people do this at Maori Bay but not here.
And again, if you happen to be reading this, please leave a comment LOL I don't want to have to ask you again LOL.
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